
This paper adds to the literature on the subsidization of professional sports arenas. Rather than focusing on subsidization and the effect of sports arenas on a national scale, this paper focuses exclusively on the plans for Seattle Arena in Seattle’s SoDo District. I delve into the economic impact analysis paper for Seattle Arena in order to provide evidence that the negatives of building this arena outweigh its positives especially from a financial standpoint. This is done in conjunction with the analysis of the Traditional Lease Purchase Financing model (T-LPF) which is the most widely used arena lease purchase agreement used by professional sports franchises and their respective city’s and Seattle’s Lease Purchase Financing model (S-LPF). This paper’s analysis of the economic impact analysis paper as well as the two financing models seeks to spark further debate about arena subsidization in order to benefit the public in future arena agreements.

First Advisor

Matt Warning

Date of Completion

Winter 12-15-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2016

Included in

Economics Commons
