Faculty Advisor

Dillman, Brad

Area of Study

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Publication Date

Summer 2014


Abstract: In this paper, I examine the unique business environment with regard to Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises that has manifested in Hong Kong over the last two decades, looking especially through the lenses of financial and immigration regulations as well as cultural considerations. Business in Hong Kong is presented with an unprecedented opportunity in the form of its open regulatory environment, but how do the regulations in place currently contribute to or subtract from entrepreneurial pursuits? I propose that even with Hong Kong’s immigrant industrialist legacy and reputation for free business with well-endowed financial institutions, it is impossibly difficult to become an “immigrant entrepreneur” as defined herein. This means an individual who starts with nothing – no education, no experience, no capital, and no connections – in a foreign country. Although it may have been possible, even easy, in the past, it no longer is as a result of both restrictive policies and economic development trends, both of which will be explored in this paper. This conclusion has been reached by a combination of policy analysis, scholarly literature review, and sociological study of the business environment in Hong Kong.


University of Puget Sound
