This collection provides a listing of books written and edited by members of the Puget Sound staff.

This collection includes previously published works, most of which are available online. Where possible, we have provided links to a summary of the book or full text versions of these works.

Some links may require you to enter your Puget Sound ID and password to view the summary or full-text content.

For additional information about faculty scholarship, visit Faculty Scholarship at the University of Puget Sound.


Submissions from 1993


Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers (first edition), Andrew Rex and Stephen T. Thorton

Submissions from 1992


Some Other Reasons The Dog Didn't Bark : A Slightly More Constrained Alternative To Weintraub's Story About Samuelson, Liapunov Theory, And General Equilibrium Dynamics, Douglas Wade Hands


Testing, Rationality and Progress: Essays on the Popperian Tradition in Economic Methodology, D. Wade Hands


Haiwai Zhongguohua Yanjiu Wenxuan, Zaixin Hong

Submissions from 1991

The "base Camp" Nonparadox : Reflections On The Tâtonnement Idealization In Walrasian Economics, Douglas Wade Hands


Lives and Moments: An Introduction to Short Fiction, Hans Ostrom


Three to Get Ready: A Novel, Hans Ostrom

Submissions from 1986


The Making of Spanish Democracy, Don Share

Submissions from 1985


Leigh Hunt: A Reference Guide, Hans Ostrom and Timothy J. Lulofs

Submissions from 1984

Behavioral Marital Therapy: Treatment Manual, Lisa Fortlouis Wood, Neil S. Jacobson, and Janice L. Katt

Submissions from 1981


Failed Multinational Ventures: The Political Economy of International Divestments, Leon Grunberg