This collection represents a sample of faculty work from the Environmental Policy & Decision Making Program. Environmental Policy and Decision Making develops an understanding of the multiplicity of values, norms, interests, incentives, and scientific information that influence decisions on environmental issues, teaches to critically examine the social, political, and economic contexts for decisions on environmental issues, and how to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue and apply systems thinking to address current and projected environmental problems.


Submissions from 2011

Please Mess with Texas, Daniel J. Sherman

Submissions from 2008


Disruption or Convention? A Process-based Explanation of Divergent Repertoires of Contention Among Opponents to Low- level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites, Daniel J. Sherman

Submissions from 2006


Seizing the Cultural & Political Moment & Catching Fish: Political Development of M?ori in New Zealand, the Sealord Fisheries Settlement, and Social Movement Theory, Daniel J. Sherman