Faculty Advisor

Neshyba, Steven

Area of Study

Science and Mathematics

Publication Date

Summer 2011


Research was aimed at better understanding the mesoscopic properties of cirrus ice crystals, in particular on the prismatic facet, pyramidal and basal facets were disregarded. Ice crystals were grown inside of an ESEM at atmospheric pressure that most closely approximates cirrus clouds and were analyzed to extract a value for νmax (the characteristic frequency of the growth front). Using a Fourier transform technique, values for νmax for 50Pa and 100Pa were able to be extracted, showing a trend of decreasing frequency with increasing pressure. Ablation onset temperature was also studied over various pressures, showing a decrease in ablation onset temperature with longer time inside of the ESEM and definite dependence on pressure.


University of Puget Sound

Benning_summer_2011_poster.ppt (3147 kB)
Poster in MS Powerpoint format

Benning_summer_2011_reflection.pdf (10 kB)
Summer Research 2011 Symposium Reflection
