Faculty Advisor

Nealey-Moore, Jill

Area of Study

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Publication Date

Summer 2014


Individuals who have exhausted their ability to self-regulate may react differently to a mood induction than individuals who have a full capacity to self-regulate. The present study examined the differences in eating behavior among individuals who had been exposed to a positive or negative mood induction and experienced either high or low cognitive depletion. College undergraduates (N = 41) saw a slideshow featuring either positive or negative images, and then completed a writing exercise that induced either high or low cognitive depletion. Participants were then given the opportunity to choose from a variety of foods to eat. Results suggest that individuals exposed to the negative mood induction consumed more calories than individuals exposed to the positive mood induction, and that individuals who been exposed to a positive or a negative mood induction may consume different caloric totals based on whether they experience high or low cognitive depletion.


University of Puget Sound
